Find out exactly which lenders are leading and those that are lagging by leveraging the experiences of your fellow brokers.
These are the lenders listening to you and supporting the transparency between brokers and lenders. Each month, your feedback and the insights you contribute to are passed on, and these lenders are making strides in the industry to make your lives and your clients’ lives easier.
Can’t see your question answered? Drop us a message and we’ll answer it promptly.’t see your question answered? Drop us a message and we’ll answer it promptly. Broker Pulse is open every month for the first 15 calendar days of each month. You will receive a survey invitation email when the survey is open.
The survey asks you to select each of the lenders you submitted applications to in the previous month and to rate your experiences with them.
All responses are aggregated together so your responses are completely anonymous.
Once the survey closes, we will send you a link to download the results directly to your email.
Lenders can access the results of the Broker Pulse on a paid subscription basis. Please contact for more information.
This is your opportunity to share your insights on Australia's mortgage lenders. Start this month's Broker Pulse survey now.
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